MyCred ePortfolios are self-curated presentation ePortfolios that not only help OT students tell their story of achievement, but back it up with artifacts and real-life examples. Showcase educational and professional achievements including cases and case logs, competency assessments, educational background, employment history, committees and boards, etc

Not all programs operate the same way. Our MyCred tool is designed with both functionality and flexibility in mind to accommodate any type of process or program.
Additional support is never an additional cost, and your dedicated Client Success Specialist is available to you as often as needed.
User Friendly
More than half of our clients said they chose CORE for their program due to the user-friendly aspects of the software.
Our in-house development team regularly reviews client feedback to ensure our technology remains ahead of the latest market needs and accreditation standards.
Lifelong Presentation Portfolios
70+ Modules
Personal Portfolio Mobile App
QR Codes for Resume Enhancement
Badging Presentation
Multiple Viewing Versions
Simple Administration
Reporting Suite
...and more!
Offer your students a tool to help them build credibility, strengthen professional relationships, display accomplishments, and improve professional outcomes.
Click to download the MyCred booklet and learn more.
Available Portfolio Content Modules:
- Academic Service
- Admitting & Consulting Privileges
- Affiliations (Universities & Colleges)
- Artwork & Photography
- Assignments
- Association & Society Membership
- Athletics
- Badges
- Blog & Social Media Contributions
- Book & Article Contributions
- CPD Plan Management: ACTION / LEARNING
- CPD Plan Management: APPLICATION
- CPD Plan Management: EVALUATION
- CPD Plan Management: PLANNING
- CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION
- Cases
- Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships
- Co-Curricular Activities
- Coaching
- Committees & Boards
- Competency Assessments
- Conference & Trade Show Attendance
- Continuing Education (CE, CME, CEU...)
- Courses Taken
- Cultural Background
- EPAs (Entrustable Professional Activities)
- Educational Background
- Employment History
- Exam History
- Faculty Positions
- Fellowship
- Fieldwork
- Fraternal Organizations
- Goals (Personal & Professional)
- Grants
- Honor Societies
- Honors & Awards
- Immunization History
- Interests
- Internships
- Interprofessional Education (IPE)
- Languages Spoken / Skills
- Leadership
- Library (My Reading List)
- Licenses & Certifications
- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
- Meeting Sessions Attended
- Military Service
- Miscellaneous
- Mobile Apps I Recommend
- Musical Instruments, Recordings & Concerts
- My Bio
- My Team's MyCred Portfolio Links
- News
- Other Accomplishments
- Patents
- Patient Assistance Programs I Recommend
- Performances
- Presentations
- Projects
- Publication & Journal Subscriptions
- Publications
- READINESS Certificates
- REMS Enrollments & Training
- REMS Training
- Recommendations & References
- Reflective Journal
- Research Experience & Interests
- Residency
- Resume & CV
- Reviews & Evaluations
- Simulation (Training Simulations)
- Skills
- Speaking Engagements
- Student Development: Preceptorships / Mentorships
- TED Talks
- Teaching Experience
- Teaching Philosophy
- Technical & Computer Skills
- Transcripts
- Travel (My Travel Experience)
- Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity
- Websites & Resources I Recommend
- Workshops & Camps Attended
Contact Us for a Demo
Discover how CORE can meet the unique needs of your program.
Observe the CORE software in action.
Ask questions about our software and the benefits to your program.
Learn about our pricing, training, and implementation process.